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Due to numerous cultural elements that a specific to a place or territory, a video game which is considered absolutely acceptable in one country may be looked upon as unacceptable in another. Such issues highlight why video game localization - contrary to just straight translation - is a must for computer and consoles games.
But these facts raise an important questions: when does localization cross the line of censorship? And is that something one should accept?
Let's take a recent example, Yakuza 3 on PS3 shows well how thin the frontier between censorship and localization can be. Almost immediately, it came under fire for the huge cuts it suffered at the hands of Western localizers. Apparently, a significant chunk of the cut scenes, minigames, and events were removed from the US release, deemed "inappropriate" for American audiences.
I assume that someone purchasing the third installment in a game series would normally have a pretty good idea as to what kind of content they were getting into, especially with a series such as Yakuza, which is relatively well-known. The games even receive ratings similar to films, giving the consumer an even better idea of what the game in question contains.
Most of gamers are reasonable adults who just want to enjoy the game as it is, instead of playing an edited, censored version of it. So please, developers, think of gamers first when you are localizing your games.
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